API Reference

Here we'll describe the changes and deprecations to our api to help you keep up to date


We added support for InformationRequest Webhooks. Please refer to the Webhooks guide.


We added support for a new faculty on chilean "Empresa en un Día" entities. You can find it alongside all other faculties with the codes F058-SWP (celebrar contratos futuros swaps opciones derivados) and F059-SWP (comprar vender moneda extranjera).


We added support for a new faculty on chilean "Empresa en un Día" entities. You can find it alongside all other faculties with the code F053-GFB and key "sobregirar cuentas corrientes".


We're pleased to announce that our API can now be used to validate people. This is why we chose to change the "business" model to "entity". This means that some routes changed and some parameters where renamed to make sense in this new context.

What do I have to change exactly?

  • Change the path on your api calls from /api/v1/business_validations/ to /api/v1/entity_validations/
  • When creating a new entity validation the body must contain an object called entity_validation instead of business_validation i.e
    entity_validation: { ... }
  • When creating an Entity Validation, the parameters from the body business_tin and business_country were renamed to tin and country respectively.
  • When retrieving a Validation the attributes business_validation_id, business_name, business_tin and business_country where renamed to entity_validation_id, entity_name, entity_tin and entity_country. Also, the "business" object is now called "entity".
  • The attribute entity_category was added to the Validation object.
  • The attribute category was added to the Entity object.


Re-validations and monitoring are here! Now you're allowed to create a business validation and re-run it whenever you want. We even support automatic re-validations every certain amount of time so you don't have to manually do it.

What changes?
We created a new model called Business Validation and it can have many validations. It acts like a wrapper for all validations of the same business and has a few settings you can use to configure automatic re-validations in case you need it.

This is a new model. For instance, it has a different id than its validations. This id is obtainable when retrieving a validation or creating a new business validation.

The business validation object contains an array with all it's validations ids and date of creation. It also contains a last_validation object with full details of the last validation. This object is exactly the same than before. Please refer to the Business Validations reference

This introduces a few breaking changes:

  • All endpoints under the path /validations, except GET /validation/:id, have been deprecated and will be removed by 2023-01-01.

What do I have to change exactly?

  • Change the path on your api calls from /api/v1/validations/ to /api/v1/business_validations/
  • When creating a new business validation the body must contain an object called business_validation instead of validation i.e
    business_validation: { ... }
  • Now you should store the business_validation_id that starts with bval_ instead of val_
  • The information from the validation now it's located in the last_validation object inside the business validation.
  • You can still use the GET /api/v1/validations/:id to retrieve a specific validation from the past.
  • And that's it, the rest remains the same!


  • Added new endpoint /api/v1/utilities/chile/chilean_id_serial_validation to verify if a chilean rut and it's serial number match and are active check it out here


  • The field validation.business.formation.date_of_document has been deprecated
  • The field webhook_url has been added to the validation object to create webhooks. It will also be present when retrieving a validation. Read mode about webhooks here