API Reference

This guide will walk you through the creation and getting the results of an Information Request.

How it works

The creation of an InformationRequest involves having an entity_validation_id that you have previously created, as well as a template_id to use during its creation. You can get this template_id from your account manager.

The template_id will define which documents are requested, the data it will try to extract from them and the type of analysis that will happen after all the documents have had their data extracted. You can also set an email (which is mandatory when a declaration inside the InformationRequest needs to be signed by the user answering it), a webhook_url and a name for the InformationRequest.

On creation, the resource will return a recipient_url for your end user to go and fill the information. This will involve uploading documents and maybe filling forms and signing them.

When the user acts on all the requested items, we will notify the webhook_url set in the InformationRequest with an event of type information_request.finish_answer_stage and the InformationRequest. The following step would be for one of the users in your organization to review the data through our portal. This will happen at kyb.getplutto.com/#/entity_validations/{entity_validation_id}/information_requests/{information_request_id}. If all data is accepted, your user can start an analysis for the InformationRequest via the UI, going to the bottom of the request.

After the analysis is performed, your user can see its result in the portal while we notify you at the webhook_url with the InformationRequest and an event of type information_request.analysis_success.

For more information about the different webhooks available, plese refer to the Webhooks Guide.