API Reference


Business Lifecycle

After a Business is created, we surface different datasources and gather all the information possible for the related business. This may take a while, but should take no more than 5 seconds, and a few minutes for judiciary information. During this period, validation resources may change their information

Creating an Entity

Note that creating a Validation, will create the related Entity. You can not create an Entity directly. Check out the Creates Entity Validation for more information.

The Entity Object

created_atDateTimeISO 8601. The creation of this business in Plutto
nameStringLegal name of the entity
fantasy_nameStringFantasy name of the entity. May be null
tinStringTaxable Identification Number. In Chile it corresponds to the RUT.
categoryStringEnum with possible validation statuses: ['cl_registral', 'cl_eud', 'cl_person', 'unknown']
statusStringCan be one of ['active', 'dissolved']. The last one represents a company that no longer exists.
countryStringISO 3166-1
legal_casesArrayAn array with legal_cases for the entity. More information in the Legal Cases endpoint
related_watchlistsArrayAn array with related_watchlists for the entity. More information in the Watchlists endpoint
tax_office_dataObjectData from the local tax office. More information in the Tax Office Data] definition
formationObjectBusiness formation object. More information in the FormationObject definition
bankruptcy_bulletinsArrayAn array with bankruptcy_bulletins for the entity
social_security_bulletinsArrayAn array with social_security_bulletins for the entity
commercial_bulletinsArrayAn array with commercial_bulletins for the entity
labor_bulletinsArrayAn array with labor_bulletins for the entity
financial_bulletinsArrayAn array with financial_bulletins for the entity
cobranzaonline_bulletinsArrayAn array with cobranzaonline_bulletins for the entity
addressesArrayAn array with different addresses from all datasources. More information in the AddressObject definition

The complete JSON representation of the resource

  "entity": {
      "id": "bsn_c4bcc5771b470ec7",
      "created_at": "2022-04-14T21:08:25.732Z",
      "name": "Optica Valle SpA",
      "fantasy_name": "Optica",
      "tin": "77463817-2",
      "category": "cl_eud",
      "status": "active",
      "country": "CL",
      "legal_cases": LegalCasesArray,
      "related_watchlists": RelatedWatchlistArray,
      "tax_office_data": TaxOfficeDataObject,
      "formation": FormationObject,
      "bankruptcy_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "social_security_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "commercial_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "labor_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "financial_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "cobranzaonline_bulletins": BulletinArray,
      "addresses": AddressArray

Each datasource resource is explained in detail in the next sections.