Entity Validation objects allow you to perform verification and due diligence your clients
The Entity Validation Object
The Plutto API operates on a single primary object. We call this object a EntityValidation and it represents the validation request for an entity that you are engaging with.
Asynchronous Validation Resources
Notice that Validation objects are composed by different resources. Each resource is asynchronously obtained, so it may change its value over time.
Note that Taxable Identification Numbers (TIN) are accepted with any format. For chilean TINs (RUT), we accept formats like: 77403618-0
, 77.403.618-0
and 774036180
Validation Resources
There are many pieces of information that Plutto surfaces about each business, here you can find this information:
Property | Type | Description |
entity_name | String | Entity's legal name |
entity_tin | String | Taxable identification number. In Chile it represents the RUT |
status | String | Enum with possible validation statuses: ['created', 'in_review', 'approved', 'rejected'] |
business_country | Object | Resource with the local tax office data information |
business | Object | Resource with the formation information of the business |
files | Array | An array with all the related files. This can be formation files, certificates, custom documents, etc. |